In other words, if you have old items that you just optimized it and now you need to upload all new information and replace the old one. Feed file bulk product upload option helps you to save your time.
Below is the Process
Step 1
First of all login to your Amazon seller central
- Go to the inventory section and click on add products via Uploads
Lets say you are selling lampshade products on amazon and category is lamp finials so you need to generates templates for the specific products
You can do it two different way
- Just Type you category and click on search button
Open your downloaded template and the interface will be look like below image
Step 4
First, select the product type and make sure you fill up all red mark required fill
Save the file text delimited format
Again Go to Add Products via Upload click on upload your inventory file
Go to the second option and select your inventory file type music loader or any that you need
When the upload is done you will see the below notification that how many items are submitted